Save and spend your time at the coffee shops just as you planned.

the final product

Time is a reservation mobile app for millennial coffee shop customers. Time provides advanced search for specific needs and suggests best suited coffee shops to the users with reservation options.

Project overview


Project Goal

To create a digital solution for coffee shop customers to improve their experience while keeping the two points below in mind.

The double-Diamond model

The Four Steps

How I was drawn

the Double-Diamond Model








the Double-Diamond Model










Most often mentioned cause


Experience Map

Experience map allows chances to investigate persona’s every stage, emotional flow and channels within the problem space to find the best opportunity for an UX designer to step in.


User Story and Epic

User stories are required for development of product’s functionalities. Listing what the persona needs for what purpose allows opportunity to prioritize the most needed functionality.


Task Flow

Once a user story is chosen, it is illustrated into a task flow where user’s action needed in every step for completing a task is indicated.


Usability Testing

User testing at this stage is very helpful too to obtain feedback on the user flow as well as any UI components on the wireframe in prior to any detailed prototyping.

Test and Iteration Planning

2 sets of user testings with 5 participants each, 10 in total, were conducted. Each session took 15-30 minutes and iterations for issues were made in accordance to the prioritization matrix after each round of user testing.

- First Round Usability



Iterations were made starting with elements that are in high prioxity x low effort sections on the design prioritization matrix.



Once first round iteration was completed, another round of usability test and iteration took place.


typography inspiration

wordmark design process after inspiration search

Final Wordmark


Neumorphism and Accessibility

The final solution sketch is now turned into a low-fidelity wireframe using Figma. Design components are at the simplest stage in order to be user-tested.

Tackle the cons

To minimize the accessibility issue of subtlety for users with visual impairment, I made selective use of the neumorphism design. The design was avoided especially on pages where texts and context are heavy.

I've also combined other elements with the neumorphism design. On the onboarding page (picture below) I added a borderline for selected buttons, so that buttons in different stage are more distinguishable and the subtlety of neumorphism does not become a problem for user with visual impairments.

High Fidelity Wireframe

Final Prototype

Design Impact and Future Thinking

Expanding Across Decives

Design Impact and Future Thinking

Key Learning

I learned so much during the process. Two of my most valuable learnings through this project are that; 1. design thinking is more about the process than coming up with a "brilliant solution" and that 2. staying unbiased can be challenging

Rather than coming up with a remarkable solution that “I” believe is great, it’s more about being a better researcher, oberserver and listerner for the users.

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